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📚 See recommended order of the courses in the Compiler Engineer Path.
This bundle includes all courses from the Programming Languages Design and Implementation series:
- Building an Interpreter from scratch
- Building a Parser from scratch
- Building a Typechecker from scratch
- Building a Transpiler from scratch
- Building a Virtual Machine
- Programming Language with LLVM
- Parsing Algorithms
- Garbage Collection Algorithms
- Automata Theory: inside a RegExp machine
You will go through the journey of building your own programming language, understand how Compilers and Interpreters work under the hood. Learn about Parsers and Garbage Collectors, understand techniques of Virtual Machines.
The practical approach will guide you through building your programming language from scratch, exploring all the details!
Compilers and Virtual Machines
A journey into the programming languages design, semantics, and implementation.
Bundle Contents
Showcase courses, digital downloads and coaching in your Bundle.